Over the last many years, we have had the chance to interact with many of our customers. They all, starting Day 0, aspired to change their physique. They aspired to be better version of self. Everything, motivation wise, was in place.
After many years of following them, we know for sure, very few could achieve their fitness goals for what they set out for.
Reason? Being inconsistent in what they planned.
Do less but be consistent in what you do. Easy to say but difficult to implement; we know. But how to achieve what you set out for?
We believe that setting small, easy and achieveable goals is a good point to start with.
Planned to go gym 7 days a week? Start with 1-2 days per week. Thought of playing badminton for an hour everyday? Start with 15 minutes for 2 days.Thought of running 10 staright kms everyday. Start with 1km a day.
You see, breaking big goals into smaller ones and being consistent in doing that will help youa ace this fitness building journey.
#Habits #LetsMakeItHappen #SportsVilla #Fitness